Problem Solved! (Login problem: Cannot login to WordPress to edit site.)


Quick Answer:

Use cPanel on your hosting account: Access cPanel through your hosting account and find  installed web applications (WordPress will be included in this list) – you can then access your site to edit without having to access wp-admin through your URL (and be denied access when trying to log in). More details below.

The Nitty Gritty:

Upon creating my site I ran into what is apparently a common problem encountered by WordPress users, which is the inability to log in to edit the site through the /wp-myadmin handle in the URL.  I couldn’t believe I just got this site set up and now I can’t login to WordPress to edit my site.   Even the attempt to retreive a lost password fails as the email you thought you registered is not recognized.

The solution for me (and in case it might help others who encounter this common problem) was to log in to my hosting company account (like goDaddy, for instance) and access the cPanel.

In cPanel I accessed the Installatron application which offers a range
of web applications for the website:

Then I accessed (clicked on) the My Applications tab towards the top right of the page and behold! My website was there with a link to the wp-myadmin handle so I can edit it again.

There is also a wrench icon to adjust settings if you want to change your admin email (it is not your email by default) so you can receive updates and important info regarding your site.

Hope this helps others who run into the same problem.


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