I have decided to release a prototype of the full version of my Comments Explorer app to get feedback and suggestions.
Click Here to Try the Full Version of Comments Explorer.
- Pull a comments list from a Youtube video and search the list by author or text for keywords or phrases.
- Filter the list of comments by date, thread, or like count.
- Save comments to your dashboard for future reference or processing.
- Google OAuth sign-in for easy access.
Built with React, Redux, Material-UI, Node/Express, PostgreSQL, Knex.js including Stripe payment system integration and consumes the Youtube Data API.
The purpose of this app is to provide Youtube content creators or small business owners with videos on Youtube with an easy way to manage their comments section and organize comments that need to be addressed or removed. The idea is to help video owners to more effectively process and deal with comments on their videos – whether this means being aware of customer or viewer complaints and suggestions, or monitoring unwanted or inappropriate spam or vulgar entries.
The full version adds on to the basic search and sort functionality of the demo by allowing users to save comments to their dashboard, and create custom categories to act as folders to store and organize comments. Comments can be moved from folder to folder and deleted as desired.
I’ve also integrated the Stripe payment system to the app which is currently in test mode since I’m awaiting approval by Youtube to commercialize the app. In the meantime you can access the paid version of the app by clicking on Access Full Features in the header and selecting a plan. On the payment form simply enter 4242 4242 4242 4242 for the credit card number and any numbers for the rest of the fields (expiration date must be in the future). This will take you to your dashboard where you can access saved items and see information about your account and current subscription.
Note that some features such as saved searches in the dashboard are still under construction and not complete. This is a trial run and the app is finished enough to present it to the public to get feedback.
Features that I’m working on adding are:
- Ability to mark comments as spam if you are the owner of the video for the comments pulled.
- Ability to add notes to comments or mark them as addressed or replied to.
- Automatic emails to users who subscribe to confirm their purchase and distribute receipts for payments.
Again, I’d love to hear what you think, so please leave feedback or things that you would like to see in the app that would make it better. In the meantime, enjoy using it and exploring the depths of the Youtube video comment sections.