NOTE: This is a demo version of the app with a time limit of 30 minutes. After the time limit is reached, all uploaded photos and user data will be removed from the Server.
Read through the intro and docs, or:
The purpose of this application is to create a quickly and easily searchable library of image files uploaded by the user.
The idea for this app came from a colleague of mine who wanted to show me a Facebook pic in his collection, but could not find the pic. He got frustrated and muttered, "I wish there was a way to search for this photo I want to show you."
Even though I'm sure there is a way to do this on Facebook. the method wasn't obvious, so I thought it would make for a good project to create an application where the user can easily search for their photo(s) in a collection.
Either create an account with REGISTER or login with a demo account. You will then be taken to the gallery page which displays your uploaded photo collection:
Click the UPLOAD button on the left side of the screen to upload photos and enter a caption description which can be referenced for searching later:
During the upload process, input a description/caption which can then be used to search for the photo later.
To search, type in terms in the search bar on the gallery page. Terms entered are compared with the description/caption entered when uploading the photo. Matching results display instantly on the gallery page.
The user can update and modify the caption description of any photo as desired by clicking on the caption in the gallery page (a popup modal will prompt the update).
In the dropdown menu on the top right, you can logout or delete your account. (Your account will automatically be deleted at the end of the demo session and files removed from server.)
When you click Edit Library on the Gallery page, you can delete selected photos or your entire library by clicking on the Select All checkbox. If you change your mind, just click Cancel.
Forgot Password using email token sent by email to the user when Forgot Password? is clicked on the home page.
Built using: PHP, MySQL, Javascript/JQuery
Copyright ©2018 by Brent Marquez