A compiler to make CSS easier to write and look nicer (allows for less syntax and markup required to write CSS). -Download a compiler to compile the sass file into css: good compilers: Koala (free opensource) Codekit (paid) These programs compile sass file to style.css when the project folder is dragged in- make sure the output is to the root folder or wherever the link to css file is. Create two files: style.css and style.scss (this is the sass file that will be compiled into css format into style.css --------- Can look at sass-lang.com/guide ---------- organizing css properties/variables/data: use @import -create a scss file with an underscore at the beginning: i.e. _colors.scss -store whatever property css info you want for that particular theme and import it into the main scss file by using @import and the root name of the file without the underscore and in quotes: in style.scss: @import 'colors'; <---imports the _colors.scss css data. ------------