Tutorial 43 HIGHLY RECOMMEND Brackets! Brackets allows you to code in javascript html, xhtml, css, and html5. It also allows you to view a live preview of your website that updates as you write the code! CHECK CSS TRICKS ONLINE FOR TIPS AND PROBLEM SOLVING 1. doctype tag: 2. html Tags: 3. head tags inside html tags: 4. title tags inside head: (info appears in tab heading on browser) 5. Body tags under head inside html: 6. Header inside body: h1 (biggest)-h6(smallest):

7. Paragraph tags in body text:

to seperate and space text. 8. Linebreak (single tag):
9. To make a horizontal rule (line):
Note (use CSS bold/italic etc. method instead of this one-more updated) 10. Bold: , Italics ("Emphasis"): 11. Comments: LINKS: 12. Link element (anchor n hyperlink reference): link text 13. Link to another page in website: text for link 14: Link to section in page: tags on destination section of page, at the top of page or wherever you want the link make anchor tags with # sign: text 15. Email Link: text 16: Tool Tip: any text or link IMAGES: *Note: for faster loading website, shrink the image in a photo editor first instead of resizing it in the code.* *In CSS always use url keyword with parentheses for images: {image:url(filename.jpg);} 16. Put image file in same folder of website. SINGLE TAG with src attribute: 17. Resize image: add height attribute in img tag and input number of pixels: --------------------- TABLES: To edit part of border: try https://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/html/cellborder.html 18.
Inside these tags: = table row (no text in between), inside table row tags: = table data (columns which contain the data/text/images etc. You can add the border attribute in table tag to make a border (number of pixels): 19. Table Headers: centered bold text for categorizing columns. -place first on top inside the table tags. 20. Colspan attribute (Column Span): Use for main title/heading(s) on a table (can use with header tags(

etc) for bold). use in first th tag and indicate number of columns to span. Ex:

21. TABLE WIDTH Attribute: In first table tag, define width by number of pixels or percentage: ex.
, or
, etc. 22. cellpadding Attribute: Amount of space between data and the border. Ex.
23. cellspacing Attribute: space between the boxes (cells) of data in the table, kind of like a thicker border. Ex.
LISTS: Keywords/tags: